Monthly Book Selections
Category header for the Monthly Book discussion fora.
Category List
Category for the discussion topics of The Ship Who Sang, by Anne McCaffrey, hosted by Richard and to be read before the end of October 2024. Discussion will start on (or shortly after) October 31st.
0 discussions 0 comments Most recent: The Ship Who Sang 2: Hard and Soft SF by RichardAbbott on November 2024
Category for the discussion topics of Planet of the Apes, by Pierre Boulle, hosted by Apocryphal and to be read before the end of August 2024. Discussion will start on (or shortly after) August 31st.
0 discussions 0 comments Most recent: Planet of the Apes Question Swiftly by RichardAbbott on September 2024
Category for the discussion topics of Temeraire, by Naomi Novik, hosted by Richard and to be read before the end of June 2024. Discussion will start on (or shortly after) June 30th.
0 discussions 0 comments Most recent: Temeraire Discussion starter 2) The characters by RichardAbbott on July 2024
Category for the discussion topics of Mirrorshades, edited by Bruce Sterling, hosted by Neil and to be read before the end of May 2024. Discussion will start on (or shortly after) May 31st
0 discussions 0 comments Most recent: Mirrorshades question 5: Technology by RichardAbbott on June 2024
Category for the discussion topics of The Jason Voyage, by Tim Severin, hosted by Apocryphal and to be read before the end of April 2024. Discussion will start on (or shortly after) April 30th.
0 discussions 0 comments Most recent: The Jason Voyage Q1: The Travelling Band by NeilNjae on May 2024
Category for the discussion topics of Sun of Suns, book 1 in the Virga series, by Karl Schroeder, hosted by Richard and to be read before the end of February 2024. Discussion will start on (or shortly after) February 29th. Note that I got an omnibus edition which includes the second in the series, Queen of Candesce, and depending how quick a read Sun of Suns is, I might move on to the second as well. The omnibus goes under the title Cities of the Air.
Category for the discussion topics of Ninefox Gambit, by Yoon Ha Lee, hosted by Neil and to be read before the end of August 2023. Discussion will start on (or shortly after) August 31st.
0 discussions 0 comments Most recent: Ninefox Gambit Q7: Ninefox Gambit vs Come Looking for Me by RichardAbbott on September 2023
Category for the discussion topics of Come Looking for Me, by Cheryl Cooper, hosted by Apocryphal and to be read before the end of July 2023. Discussion will start on (or shortly after) July 31st.
0 discussions 0 comments Most recent: Come Looking For Me by Cheryl Cooper - Q4 by clash_bowley on August 2023
Category for the discussion topics of Theory of Bastards, by Audrey Schulman, hosted by Clash and to be read before the end of June 2023. Discussion will start on (or shortly after) June 30th.
0 discussions 0 comments Most recent: Theory of Bastards - Q6: The Ending by clash_bowley on July 2023
Category for the discussion topics of Daughter of Redwinter, by Ed McDonald, hosted by Richard and to be read before the end of May 2023. Discussion will start on (or shortly after) May 31st.
0 discussions 0 comments Most recent: Daughter of Redwinter Q4: Pacing and narration by clash_bowley on June 2023
Category for the discussion topics of The Red Scholar's Wake by Aliette de Bodard, hosted by Neil and to be read before the end of April 2023. Discussion will start on (or shortly after) April 30th.
0 discussions 0 comments Most recent: Red Scholar's Wake Q4: Technology and AR by RichardAbbott on May 2023
Category for the discussion topics of Riddley Walker by Russell Hoban, hosted by Apocryphal and to be read before the end of March 2023. Discussion will start on (or shortly after) March 31st.
0 discussions 0 comments Most recent: Riddley Walker by Russell Hoban Q2: Inland by RichardAbbott on April 2023
Category for the discussion topics of Infinity: A Bridger's Origin, by Stan C. Smith, hosted by Clash and to be read before the end of February 2023. Discussion will start on (or shortly after) February 28th.
0 discussions 0 comments Most recent: 5. Infinity: A Bridger's Story -Worldbuilding by clash_bowley on March 2023
Category for the discussion topics of A Master of Djinn, by P. Djèlí Clark, hosted by Richard and to be read before the end of January 2023. Discussion will start on (or shortly after) January 31st.
0 discussions 0 comments Most recent: A Master of Djinn 1: Overall impressions by clash_bowley on February 2023
Category for the discussion topics of The Buried Giant by Kazuo Ishiguro, hosted by Barner Cobblewood and to be read before the end of August 2022. Discussion will start on (or shortly after) August 31st.
0 discussions 0 comments Most recent: Buried Giant: Themes and role-playing by NeilNjae on September 2022
Category for the discussion topics of Ancestral Night by Elizabeth Bear, hosted by Richard and to be read before the end of July 2022. Discussion will start on (or shortly after) July 31st.
0 discussions 0 comments Most recent: Ancestral Night 6: Alternative family structures by Apocryphal on August 2022
Category for the discussion topics of A Hero Born by Jin Yong, hosted by Neil and to be read before the end of June 2022. Discussion will start on (or shortly after) June 30th.
0 discussions 0 comments Most recent: Just to show it's not just Chinese martial arts that use cool names... by clash_bowley on September 2022
Category for the discussion topics of Frankenstein in Baghdad by Ahmed Saadawi, hosted by Apocryphal and to be read before the end of May 2022. Discussion will start on (or shortly after) May 31st.
0 discussions 0 comments Most recent: Frankenstein in Baghdad Q3: Whatsitsname by BarnerCobblewood on June 2022
Category for the discussion topics of The Mind Parasites by Colin Wilson, hosted by Richard and to be read before the end of March 2022. Discussion will start on (or shortly after) March 31st.
0 discussions 0 comments Most recent: The Mind Parasites Q8 - The Lovecraft connection by RichardAbbott on April 2022
Category for the discussion topics of Five Decembers, by James Kestrel, hosted by Neil, and to be read before the end of February 2022. Discussion will start on (or shortly after) February 28th.
0 discussions 0 comments Most recent: Five Decembers Q8: Heroes and villains? by NeilNjae on March 2022
Category for the discussion topics of A Stranger in Olondria by Sofia Samatar, hosted by Richard, and to be read before the end of October 2021. Discussion will start on (or shortly after) October 31st
0 discussions 0 comments Most recent: A Stranger in Olondria - Starter 2 - The Writing Style by RichardAbbott on December 2021
Category for the discussion topics of Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell, hosted by Barner Cobblewood, and to be read before the end of August 2021. Discussion will start on (or shortly after) August 31st.
0 discussions 0 comments Most recent: Cloud Atlas 05 - Half-Lives: The First Luisa Rey Mystery by NeilNjae on September 2021
Category for the discussion topics of The Island of Doctor Moreau by H.G. Wells, hosted by Apocryphal and to be read before the end of May 2021. Discussion will start on (or shortly after) May 31st.
0 discussions 0 comments Most recent: The Island of Doctor Moreau - Q11: Adaptations and Legacy by clash_bowley on June 2021
Category for the discussion topics of Aztec Century by Christopher Evans, hosted by Richard Abbott and to be read before the end of April 2021. Discussion will start on (or shortly after) April 30th.
0 discussions 0 comments Most recent: 99 Aztec Century - alternate worlds in general by WildCard on May 2021
Category for the discussion topics of The Languages of Pao by Jack Vance, hosted by Clash Bowley and to be read before the end of October 2020. Discussion will start on (or shortly after) October 31st.
0 discussions 0 comments Most recent: Languages of Pao Q3 The Hypothesis by RichardAbbott on November 2020
Category for the discussion topics of Space Opera by Catherynne M. Valente, hosted by Neil and to be read before the end of September 2020. Discussion will start on (or shortly after) Sept 30th.
0 discussions 0 comments Most recent: Space Opera Q4: Brexit, Trump, theatre: Marry me? by NeilNjae on October 2020
Category for the discussion topics of The Great Eastern by Howard A. Rodman, hosted by Apocryphal and to be read over the month of July. Discussion will start on (or shortly after) July 30th.
0 discussions 0 comments Most recent: The Great Eastern Q1: Re-incarnation by RichardAbbott on August 2020
Category for the discussion topics of Always Coming Home by Ursula K. Leguin. Hosted by Barner Cobblewood and to be read over the months of April and May. Barner will post progress discussion topics around the May 1st, May 15th, and a final discussion around May 31st (give or take a few days)
0 discussions 0 comments Most recent: ACH - Playing and Role-playing politics by WildCard on August 2020
Category for the discussion topics of Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. Read this book before the end of December 2019 and we'll discuss it at the end of that month (or soon after)
0 discussions 0 comments Most recent: Brave New World 5: Is suffering needed for good art? by clash_bowley on January 2020
Category for the discussion topics of Sarah Canary by Karen Joy Fowler. Read this book before the end of October 2019 and we'll discuss it at the end of that month (or soon after)
0 discussions 0 comments Most recent: Sarah Canary Q7 - '“She overpowered me with her inhuman strength. She threatened me with her chopsti by dr_mitch on November 2019
Category for the discussion topics of The Chill. Read this book before the end of August 2019 and we'll discuss it at the end of that month (or soon after)
0 discussions 0 comments Most recent: The Chill 6: Gaming relevance - situation by clash_bowley on September 2019
Category for the discussion topics of A Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet. Read this book before the end of July 2019 and we'll discuss it at the end of that month (or soon after)
0 discussions 0 comments Most recent: One: Harmony vs. Uniformity by Michael_S_Miller on August 2019
Category for the discussion topics of The Land God Gave to Cain. Read this book before the end of June 2019 and we'll discuss it at the end of that month - probably after July 4th.
0 discussions 0 comments Most recent: The Land God Gave to Cain - Q2: What's usable in your games or writing projects? by clash_bowley on July 2019
Category for the discussion topics of Hiero's Journey. Read this book before the end of April 2019 and we'll discuss it at the end of that month.
0 discussions 0 comments Most recent: Hiero's Journey - 8. The rest of the series by RichardAbbott on September 2019