Another Nights influence - The Worm Ouroboros?


Reading through some of the sundry older translations made me wonder how much E R Eddison had been influenced by Nights? Certainly his florid, adjective-heavy descriptions, especially of palaces and other ceremonial buildings, might suggest that...

Picking out a couple of bits at random
"Crowns are cheap trash today", said Prezmyra, "whenas the King, with twenty kings to be his lackey, raiseth up now his lackeys to be kings of the earth. Canst wonder if my joyance in this crown were dashed some little when I looked on that other given by the King to Laxus?"

And of a particular building
Surely no potentate of earth, not Croesus, not the great King, not Minos in his royal palace in Crete, not all the Pharaohs, not Queen Semiramis, nor all the Kings of Babylon and Nineveh had ever had a throne room to compare in glory... its walls and pillars were of snow-white marble, every vein whereof was set with small gems: rubies, corals, garnets and pink topaz. Seven pillars on either side bore up the shadowy vault of the roof; the roof-tree and the beams were of gold, curiously carved, the roof itself of mother-of-pearl... the body of each high seat was a single jewel of monstrous size: the lefthand seat a black opal, asparkle with steel-blue fire, the next a fire-opal, as it were a burning coal, the third seat an alexandrite, purple like wine by nights but deep sea-green by day... [and so on for a couple more pages...]

Compare with Torrens
A young man, handsome in face, elegant in his apparel, his countenance fairer than the moon, and his eyes bright dark black [etc]

John Payne
Beloukiya went up to that island and became wondering at it and at the beauty of it and wandered in it and saw it a great island the dust of it saffron and the gravel of it cornelian and precious stones and the hedges of it jessamine and [etc]

And from the main part, in Aladdin
Build me a palace out of porphyry, jasper, agate, lapis and marble, and let it stand opposite the sultan's palace. At the top, you shall build a great domed hall with walls of gold and silver, and with six windows in each wall. The screen on each window shall be set with diamonds, rubies, and emeralds [etc]

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