Welcome to the new home of the TTRPBC!
Welcome to The Tabletop Roleplayer's Book Club, an online community for tabletop roleplaying gamers to discuss the works of fiction that inspire them to create and play games.
It works like many other book clubs in that each month a selection of books will be nominated and one of those will be selected by the community for everyone to read.
The month's proposals will be selected from books nominated by community members and may sometimes be organized into a theme and put to a vote.
In general, the books selected will be novels in the sci-fi, horror, post-apocalyptic, or fantasy genres, but historical novels, inspiring travelogues, or themed short story collections may be nominated as well. The books can be new or can be classics.
Scheduling works something like this:
- Middle of the month: Book selection for the following month (this gives you roughly 6 weeks to read it).
- End of the month: Discuss the current month's book.
Members can read and comment on whichever books appeal to them. There is no obligation to read each month's book. Anybody who has read that month's book, though, either recently or in the past, and feels they have something to say, can contribute.
Members are also invited to post on a limited number of topics: suggesting books or themes for nomination, the introduction of topics discussing books in general (i.e. this year's Hugo awards), or anything else deemed relevant to both books and gaming. This is not a venue for linking to your latest blog post, though, and advertising and solicitation will not be permitted.
If you would like to propose a book for nomination, please keep in mind that it must
- Fit into one of the genres listed above,
- Be relateable to tabletop role-playing gaming,
- Be a stand-alone offering (i.e. not a story that will be continued in another volume) and
- Be ideally available in print, audio, and e-book formats.
This book club had its origins in a small Montreal-based gaming forum called Roludo, then moved to G+.
In October of 2018, our seventh year, we moved to these forums, having completed 71 books.